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2341 Porter Lake Drive
Sarasota, FL, 34240
United States


Sunshine Shutter History

Sunshine Shutter plantation shutters




Sunshine Shutter has been a family owned shutter manufacturing company, serving Sarasota and surrounding counties since 2005. Sunshine Shutter provides a wide range of plantation shutter designs customized to fit any interior window or door.

Andrew Sr. is a Mechanical Engineering graduate and his wife Sandra is a Materials Science Engineering graduate from Michigan Technological University. Andrew moved to Florida in 2006 and managed one of the largest commercial window and door Manufacturing Plants in Venice FL. The Fenton’s have owned and operated Sunshine Shutter since 2018. With over 30+ years of combined Operations Management, Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma experience, you can count on Sunshine Shutter to deliver outstanding Quality at a better price than any local or commercial competitor.