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2341 Porter Lake Drive
Sarasota, FL, 34240
United States


Design Options

We offer a wide range of style options including your choice of frame, louver size, front or hidden tilt control, panel configuration and much more.

Frame Options


The Shaker frame is a great option if you prefer a contemporary style or just prefer a simple and clean look. We offer a slim 1 7/8” Shaker and a larger 3” Shaker.


The 2 1/2” wide Colonial frame is a popular choice because it is similar to the style of most interior door and baseboard trim.


The 3” wide Crown frame is an attractive option for an elegant look.


The 1 3/8” wide Texas frame is our narrowest decorative frame. If you prefer an understated, modern look, the Texas is a great option.


L-Frame shutters are unique in that the frame is minimal and the entire shutter is inserted inside the window opening. There is no additional framing that sits outside the opening. The 3/4” narrow L-Frame shutter is an option when the window has pre-existing custom molding or a decorative stone frame.


If you have a window where tilting inward is required for cleaning, the 2” wide Malibu frame is a great option. The Malibu is an outside mount frame that is secured to the wall surface surrounding the window opening. Outside mount frames are typically used for tilt-in windows that have a sash that tilts inward to clean the glass or remove a screen.

Louver Control Options

Louver opening and closing can be controlled in two ways.

  1. Front Tilt Control

  2. Rear Tilt Control

The “Front Tilt” design option is the classic plantation style. It includes a center, vertical bar that spans the louvers. To open and close the louvers you will move the bar up and down.

The “Rear Tilt” design option is not visible from the front. It includes a hidden mechanism instead of a visible bar. To open and close the louvers you will simply grab and open one louver and they will all move together.

The term tilt describes the ‘tilting’ of the louvers. Both Front and Rear Tilt options allow you to tilt the louvers at any angle to vary the light entering the room. Both options open and close the louvers together in a fluid motion. Adding a horizontal Divider Rail provides an option for independent louver control between sections of the shutter.

Panel Configuration Options

Panel Configuration & Reinforcement

There are additional design options including panel quantity, panel configuration, louver reinforcement, the direction you would like the panel to open, and if you would like a divider rail. An illustration and brief description of each option is included below. We will also guide you through these options during the ordering process.


Depending on the size and shape of the window opening you may require or wish to have multiple panels. Panels up to 28” wide require standard louvers. Panels 28” to 36” wide require reinforced louvers. Reinforced louvers include aluminum reinforcement through the center of the louver which add strength.

If your design includes multiple panels, T-posts may also be included. All shutter panels open on hinges and lock close with magnets. You will chose if your panels will swing open from the left or the right. Please see the diagram above for an example.

Divider Rails

Divider rails are horizontal trim pieces that separate the louvers into multiple sections. Since the louver sections move independently you have the option to close the bottom for privacy while leaving the top open for light. Divider rails are typically centered to cover the window lock rail, however the location can be customized.

Divider rails are a style choice and are not required unless the panel height is over 60”.

Door Options

Sunshine Shutter has many door options to chose from. Please see below. For more examples, please click HERE to visit our DOORS photo gallery.

French Door, Exterior Door, & Sidelite Shutters

The same tilt control options, louver options, hinge and divider rail options described above for windows also apply to glass window doors, however the frame is a unique door mount frame. Please see examples below.

Sliding Glass Door Shutters

Sliding glass door shutters have the same tilt control options, louver options, and divider rail options as windows, however there is no panel frame as the panels slide along a track. Depending on the style you chose, the rail can be hidden behind a trim valance that is included, or visible such as a barn door track. Please see examples below.

Additional Window & Door Covering Options

Sunshine Shutter also installs shade products by Universal Window Coverings Inc. They are manufactured in Orlando, FL and come with a manufacturer warranty. For more examples, please click HERE to visit our SHADES photo gallery.

Roller Shades

Roller shades are available in many colors, fabrics, and light transmittance options from translucent to black-out. Both manual and motorized options are available. Please see examples below.

Honeycomb Shades

We also offer honeycomb shades. They are available in many colors in either translucent or black-out. Please see examples below.